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1:30 p.m - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers. Upon convening, the City Council recesses into Executive Session.
1. Executive Session
2. Ceremonial Items
1. Invocation
2. Pledges of Allegiance
3. Citizen Comments - According to Lubbock City Council Rules, any citizen wishing to appear in-person before a regular meeting of the City Council, regarding any matter posted on the City Council Agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 1:30 p.m. on November 1, 2022. Citizen Comments provide an opportunity for citizens to make comments and express a position on agenda items.
4. Minutes
5. Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
6. Regular Agenda
1. Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning (District 5): Consider Ordinance No. 2022-O00155, for Zone Case 2995-GG, a request of RSDGP, LLC for Endeavour Enterprises, for a zone change from Local Retail District (C-2) to Commercial District (C-4) at 7411 Milwaukee Avenue, located north of 76th Street and east of Milwaukee Avenue, Bacon Crest, Tract E.
2. Resolution - Planning (District 1): Consider a resolution approving and granting a variance from the applicable 300-foot minimum distance provision of the City of Lubbock Ordinance No. 2009-O0060, at 3121 34th Street, for an alcoholic beverage permit for Frost Brewhouse, LLC.
3. Resolution - Planning (District 2): Consider a resolution approving and granting a variance from the applicable 300-foot minimum distance provision of the City of Lubbock Ordinance No. 2009-O0060, at 5101 Avenue Q, Suite A, for an alcoholic beverage permit for Tipsy's Sports Grill and Bar.
4. Resolution - Planning: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Municipal Services Agreement, with Red Canyon Development, LLC, for the requested annexation of an area of land generally described as 17.33 acres north of Woodrow Road and west of Quaker Avenue, into Lubbock's corporate limits, along with the adjacent right-of-way.
Nov 01, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
1:30 p.m - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers. Upon convening, the City Council recesses into Executive Session.
1. Executive Session
2. Ceremonial Items
1. Invocation
2. Pledges of Allegiance
3. Citizen Comments - According to Lubbock City Council Rules, any citizen wishing to appear in-person before a regular meeting of the City Council, regarding any matter posted on the City Council Agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 1:30 p.m. on November 1, 2022. Citizen Comments provide an opportunity for citizens to make comments and express a position on agenda items.
4. Minutes
5. Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
6. Regular Agenda
1. Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning (District 5): Consider Ordinance No. 2022-O00155, for Zone Case 2995-GG, a request of RSDGP, LLC for Endeavour Enterprises, for a zone change from Local Retail District (C-2) to Commercial District (C-4) at 7411 Milwaukee Avenue, located north of 76th Street and east of Milwaukee Avenue, Bacon Crest, Tract E.
2. Resolution - Planning (District 1): Consider a resolution approving and granting a variance from the applicable 300-foot minimum distance provision of the City of Lubbock Ordinance No. 2009-O0060, at 3121 34th Street, for an alcoholic beverage permit for Frost Brewhouse, LLC.
3. Resolution - Planning (District 2): Consider a resolution approving and granting a variance from the applicable 300-foot minimum distance provision of the City of Lubbock Ordinance No. 2009-O0060, at 5101 Avenue Q, Suite A, for an alcoholic beverage permit for Tipsy's Sports Grill and Bar.
4. Resolution - Planning: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Municipal Services Agreement, with Red Canyon Development, LLC, for the requested annexation of an area of land generally described as 17.33 acres north of Woodrow Road and west of Quaker Avenue, into Lubbock's corporate limits, along with the adjacent right-of-way.
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