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11:00 a.m - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers in Work Session regarding items for presentation and discussion on such issues that may require in-depth consideration by the City Council. No action will be taken by the City Council in Work Session.
2. Hear and discuss presentations regarding the following and provide guidance to staff as appropriate.
3. Executive Session
4. Ceremonial Items
1. Invocation
2. Pledges of Allegiance
5. Citizen Comments - According to Lubbock City Council Rules, any citizen wishing to appear in-person before a regular meeting of the City Council, regarding any matter posted on the City Council Agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 2:00 p.m. on November 16, 2022. Citizen Comments provide an opportunity for citizens to make comments and express a position on agenda items. Any comment received that is in the nature of asking a question will be referred to an appropriate member of the City staff for a response.
6. Minutes
7. Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
15. Resolution - Codes Administration: Consider a resolution authorizing the establishment of a Voluntary Substandard Structure Demolition Grant Program for the City of Lubbock.
18. Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Lubbock, Covenant Health System, Lubbock County, Texas Tech University, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, StarCare Specialty Health System, and the UMC Health System, members of the West Texas Mental Health Collaborative (WTxMHC), establishing a steering committee concerning the construction and operation of the HOPE Center.
8. Regular Agenda
1. Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider appointments to the Electric Utility Board.
2. Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider appointments to the Airport Board.
3. Resolution - City Secretary: Consider a resolution canvassing the returns and declaring the result of the City of Lubbock Special Election held on November 8, 2022, pertaining to the issuance of General Obligation Bonds.
4. Presentation - Engineering: 2022 Road Bond Implementation Plan
5. Public Hearing - Planning (District 1): Consider a request for Zone Case 0604-A, a request of George Castillo, for a zone change from General Retail District (C-3) to Reduced Setback Single-Family District (R-1A), at 303 North Avenue Q, located north of Baylor Street and west of North Avenue Q, Manson Heights Addition, Block 1, Lot 2, and consider an ordinance.
6. Public Hearing - Planning (District 2): Consider a request for Zone Case 2565-F, a request of Jessie R. Romero, for a zone change from Interstate Highway Commercial District (IHC) to Reduced Setback Single-Family District (R-1A), at 915 32nd Street, located south of 32nd Street and west of Interstate 27, Flynn Place Addition, Block 3, the west 28.59 feet of Lot 10 and Lot 11, and consider an ordinance.
7. Public Hearing - Planning (District 3): Consider a request for Zone Case 0417-A, a request of AMD Engineering, LLC for Gary Randall Andrews, for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Garden Office District (GO), generally located north of 23rd Street and west of Slide Road, on 2.02 acres of land from Sisco Addition, Lot 1-A, and consider an ordinance.
8. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 3257-I, a request of Seventeen Services LLC for Edge Concepts, for a zone change from Garden Office District (GO) to Apartment-Medical District (AM), at 3226 140th Street, located north of 140th Street and east of Indiana Avenue, Viridian Estates Addition, Tract D, and consider an ordinance.
9. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 3274-E, a request of Betenbough Homes, for a zone change from Interstate Highway Commercial District (IHC) to Reduced Setback Single-Family District (R-1A), generally located east of Avenue U and north of 133rd Street, Bell Farms Addition, Lots 1652 through 1676, 1681 through 1692, 1698 through 1709, 1718 through 1739 and Tracts CC and DD, and consider an ordinance.
10. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 3472, a request of Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc. for Red Canyon Development, LLC, for a zone change from Transition District (T) to Restricted Local Retail District (C-2A) and Local Retail District (C-2), generally located south of 146th Street and west of Quaker Avenue, on 19.4 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 6, and consider an ordinance.
11. Public Hearing - Planning (District 5): Consider a request for Zone Case 3126-D, a request of Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc. for SWLLD, LLC and FADEV, LLC, for a zone change from Transition District (T), Interstate Highway Industrial District (IHI), General Retail District (C-3) and High-Density Apartment District (A-2) to Two-Family District (R-2), High-Density Apartment District (A-2), Local Retail District (C-2) and Interstate Highway Commercial District (IHC), generally located north of 130th Street (proposed Loop 88) and west of Frankford Avenue, on 99.4 acres of land out of Block AK, Section 20, and consider an ordinance.
12. Public Hearing - Planning (District 6): Consider a request for Zone Case 1875-Y, a request of AMD Engineering, LLC for H&M Investments & Rentals LLC, for a zone change from High-Density Apartment District (A-2) to Two-Family District (R-2), at 6606 26th Street, located north of 26th Street and west of Norwich Avenue, Commanders Addition, the south 440 feet of the east 400 feet of Lot 2, and consider an ordinance.
Nov 16, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
11:00 a.m - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers in Work Session regarding items for presentation and discussion on such issues that may require in-depth consideration by the City Council. No action will be taken by the City Council in Work Session.
2. Hear and discuss presentations regarding the following and provide guidance to staff as appropriate.
3. Executive Session
4. Ceremonial Items
1. Invocation
2. Pledges of Allegiance
5. Citizen Comments - According to Lubbock City Council Rules, any citizen wishing to appear in-person before a regular meeting of the City Council, regarding any matter posted on the City Council Agenda below, shall complete the sign-up form provided at the meeting, no later than 2:00 p.m. on November 16, 2022. Citizen Comments provide an opportunity for citizens to make comments and express a position on agenda items. Any comment received that is in the nature of asking a question will be referred to an appropriate member of the City staff for a response.
6. Minutes
7. Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
15. Resolution - Codes Administration: Consider a resolution authorizing the establishment of a Voluntary Substandard Structure Demolition Grant Program for the City of Lubbock.
18. Resolution - Public Health Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an Interlocal Agreement by and between the City of Lubbock, Covenant Health System, Lubbock County, Texas Tech University, Texas Tech Health Sciences Center, StarCare Specialty Health System, and the UMC Health System, members of the West Texas Mental Health Collaborative (WTxMHC), establishing a steering committee concerning the construction and operation of the HOPE Center.
8. Regular Agenda
1. Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider appointments to the Electric Utility Board.
2. Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider appointments to the Airport Board.
3. Resolution - City Secretary: Consider a resolution canvassing the returns and declaring the result of the City of Lubbock Special Election held on November 8, 2022, pertaining to the issuance of General Obligation Bonds.
4. Presentation - Engineering: 2022 Road Bond Implementation Plan
5. Public Hearing - Planning (District 1): Consider a request for Zone Case 0604-A, a request of George Castillo, for a zone change from General Retail District (C-3) to Reduced Setback Single-Family District (R-1A), at 303 North Avenue Q, located north of Baylor Street and west of North Avenue Q, Manson Heights Addition, Block 1, Lot 2, and consider an ordinance.
6. Public Hearing - Planning (District 2): Consider a request for Zone Case 2565-F, a request of Jessie R. Romero, for a zone change from Interstate Highway Commercial District (IHC) to Reduced Setback Single-Family District (R-1A), at 915 32nd Street, located south of 32nd Street and west of Interstate 27, Flynn Place Addition, Block 3, the west 28.59 feet of Lot 10 and Lot 11, and consider an ordinance.
7. Public Hearing - Planning (District 3): Consider a request for Zone Case 0417-A, a request of AMD Engineering, LLC for Gary Randall Andrews, for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Garden Office District (GO), generally located north of 23rd Street and west of Slide Road, on 2.02 acres of land from Sisco Addition, Lot 1-A, and consider an ordinance.
8. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 3257-I, a request of Seventeen Services LLC for Edge Concepts, for a zone change from Garden Office District (GO) to Apartment-Medical District (AM), at 3226 140th Street, located north of 140th Street and east of Indiana Avenue, Viridian Estates Addition, Tract D, and consider an ordinance.
9. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 3274-E, a request of Betenbough Homes, for a zone change from Interstate Highway Commercial District (IHC) to Reduced Setback Single-Family District (R-1A), generally located east of Avenue U and north of 133rd Street, Bell Farms Addition, Lots 1652 through 1676, 1681 through 1692, 1698 through 1709, 1718 through 1739 and Tracts CC and DD, and consider an ordinance.
10. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Consider a request for Zone Case 3472, a request of Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc. for Red Canyon Development, LLC, for a zone change from Transition District (T) to Restricted Local Retail District (C-2A) and Local Retail District (C-2), generally located south of 146th Street and west of Quaker Avenue, on 19.4 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 6, and consider an ordinance.
11. Public Hearing - Planning (District 5): Consider a request for Zone Case 3126-D, a request of Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc. for SWLLD, LLC and FADEV, LLC, for a zone change from Transition District (T), Interstate Highway Industrial District (IHI), General Retail District (C-3) and High-Density Apartment District (A-2) to Two-Family District (R-2), High-Density Apartment District (A-2), Local Retail District (C-2) and Interstate Highway Commercial District (IHC), generally located north of 130th Street (proposed Loop 88) and west of Frankford Avenue, on 99.4 acres of land out of Block AK, Section 20, and consider an ordinance.
12. Public Hearing - Planning (District 6): Consider a request for Zone Case 1875-Y, a request of AMD Engineering, LLC for H&M Investments & Rentals LLC, for a zone change from High-Density Apartment District (A-2) to Two-Family District (R-2), at 6606 26th Street, located north of 26th Street and west of Norwich Avenue, Commanders Addition, the south 440 feet of the east 400 feet of Lot 2, and consider an ordinance.
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