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11:30 a.m. - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers. Upon convening, the City Council recesses into Executive Session.
1. Executive Session
2. Ceremonial Items
1. Invocation
2. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Minutes
5. Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
6. Regular Agenda
1. Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider the appointment of the Chairperson of the Central Business District Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors, for the 2023 calendar year, with the term ending on December 31, 2023.
2. Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider the appointment of the Chairperson of the Lubbock Business Park Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors, for the 2023 calendar year, with the term ending on December 31, 2023.
3. Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider the appointment of the Chairperson of the North Overton Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone (TIF) Board of Directors, for the 2023 calendar year, with the term ending on December 31, 2023.
4. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance for a request for annexation, from Red Canyon Development, LLC, to annex an area of approximately 17.33 acres, adjacent to the southern city limits of the City of Lubbock, north of Woodrow Road and west of Quaker Avenue.
5. Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning (District 3): Consider Ordinance No. 2022-O0168, for Zone Case 0417-A, a request of AMD Engineering, LLC for Gary Randall Andrews, for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Garden Office District (GO), generally located north of 23rd Street and west of Slide Road, on 2.02 acres of land from Sisco Addition, Lot 1-A.
6. Resolution - Finance: Consider adoption of a Resolution authorizing publication and posting of notices of intention to issue (i) water and wastewater system revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $17,500,000 for the purpose of acquiring, purchasing, constructing, improving, renovating, enlarging and equipping property, buildings, structures, facilities and related infrastructure for the City’s Water and Wastewater System and (ii) combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation in a principal amount not to exceed $18,750,000 for the purpose of funding improvements to the City’s Solid Waste Disposal System.
7. Resolution - Business Development: Consider adoption of a Resolution approving the resolution of the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Inc., authorizing the issuance of sales tax revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $32,500,000 for the purpose of funding projects for the promotion and development of new and expanded business enterprises, including the acquisition of interests in land and the design, construction, acquisition, rehabilitation, renovation, expansion, improvement and equipment of streets, roads, water and sewer utilities, and related infrastructure and improvements; approving a Sales Tax Remittance Agreement; and resolving other matters related thereto.
Dec 06, 2022 Regular City Council Meeting
Full agenda
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Full agenda
11:30 a.m. - City Council convenes in City Council Chambers. Upon convening, the City Council recesses into Executive Session.
1. Executive Session
2. Ceremonial Items
1. Invocation
2. Pledges of Allegiance
4. Minutes
5. Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine are enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
6. Regular Agenda
1. Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider the appointment of the Chairperson of the Central Business District Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors, for the 2023 calendar year, with the term ending on December 31, 2023.
2. Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider the appointment of the Chairperson of the Lubbock Business Park Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors, for the 2023 calendar year, with the term ending on December 31, 2023.
3. Board Appointment - City Secretary: Consider the appointment of the Chairperson of the North Overton Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone (TIF) Board of Directors, for the 2023 calendar year, with the term ending on December 31, 2023.
4. Public Hearing - Planning (District 4): Hold a public hearing and consider an ordinance for a request for annexation, from Red Canyon Development, LLC, to annex an area of approximately 17.33 acres, adjacent to the southern city limits of the City of Lubbock, north of Woodrow Road and west of Quaker Avenue.
5. Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning (District 3): Consider Ordinance No. 2022-O0168, for Zone Case 0417-A, a request of AMD Engineering, LLC for Gary Randall Andrews, for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Garden Office District (GO), generally located north of 23rd Street and west of Slide Road, on 2.02 acres of land from Sisco Addition, Lot 1-A.
6. Resolution - Finance: Consider adoption of a Resolution authorizing publication and posting of notices of intention to issue (i) water and wastewater system revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $17,500,000 for the purpose of acquiring, purchasing, constructing, improving, renovating, enlarging and equipping property, buildings, structures, facilities and related infrastructure for the City’s Water and Wastewater System and (ii) combination tax and revenue certificates of obligation in a principal amount not to exceed $18,750,000 for the purpose of funding improvements to the City’s Solid Waste Disposal System.
7. Resolution - Business Development: Consider adoption of a Resolution approving the resolution of the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Inc., authorizing the issuance of sales tax revenue bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $32,500,000 for the purpose of funding projects for the promotion and development of new and expanded business enterprises, including the acquisition of interests in land and the design, construction, acquisition, rehabilitation, renovation, expansion, improvement and equipment of streets, roads, water and sewer utilities, and related infrastructure and improvements; approving a Sales Tax Remittance Agreement; and resolving other matters related thereto.
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