Citizen Comments - Any citizen wishing to appear before any regular meeting of the City Council shall advise the City Manager’s office of that fact no later than seven calendar days before the meeting at which the citizen wishes to appear. Any citizen wishing to so appear shall inform the City Manager’s office, in writing, of the subject of the appearance. The subject matter shall be sufficiently detailed as to inform the City Council and the public of its nature. Such notice shall contain the name and address of the requestor. The appearance of any citizen giving such notice to the City Manager’s office shall take precedence in addressing the City Council during the Citizen Comments period. Any citizen failing to advise the City Manager’s office of his/her wish to appear before the City Council as hereinabove set forth shall, time permitting, be permitted to address the City Council after those having given notice. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not take action on public matters during Citizen Comments. 1.1 Jo Arthur will appear before the City Council to discuss Sharia Law.
2.1 Hold an executive session in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated (V.T.C.A.) Government Code, Section 551.071, to discuss pending or contemplated litigation or settlement agreement, and hold a consultation with attorney. 2.2 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.072, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. 2.3 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.074 (a)(1), to discuss personnel matters and take appropriate action. 2.4 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.086, on the following competitive matters (Electric Utilities) 2.5 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.074(a)(1), to discuss personnel matters regarding duties, responsibilities, and/or appointments to the Structural Standards Commission, Urban Renewal/Neighborhood Redevelopment Commission, and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Proclamations and Presentations 3.1 Invocation by Associate Pastor Chuck Rodger, Christian Life Assembly of God 3.2 Pledges of Allegiance 3.3 Board Recognitions: Appointments Advisory Board Margaret Hite Electric Utility Board Emilio Abeyta George Carpenter Virgil Johnson Glen Robertson Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Les Eubank Market Lubbock, Inc. Board of Directors Les Eubank
Minutes 4.1 November 4, 2010, Regular City Council Meeting
Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine and enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3143 (west of Milwaukee Avenue between 26th Street and 34th Street): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Hugo Reed & Associates, Inc., for Tigris Development, for a zoning change from Single-Family District (R-1) to High Density Apartment District (A-2) and General Retail District (C-3) on 22.9 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 43, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3144 (3221 Slaton Road): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Carroll Estes for a zoning change from Heavy Manufacturing District (M-2) to M-2 Specific Use (auto auction) on 15.56 acres of unplatted land out of Block S, Section 4, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 1087-B (1811 13th Street): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of H. Deane Pierce for a zoning change from Family Apartment District (A-1) to Garden Office District (GO) on the west 84 feet of Lots 8-10, Block 13, Overton Addition, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 2895-D (from 85th Street to 88th Street between Milwaukee Avenue and Iola Avenue): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Betenbough Homes for a zoning change from Apartment Medical District (AM), General Retail District (C-3), and Family Apartment District (A-1) Specific Use for garden homes to Single-Family District (R-1) Specific Use (for reduced setbacks) on 39.941 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 28, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3145 (generally located south of 7th Street, north of 25th Street between Interstate 27 and Avenue R): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Delbert McDougal (for the City of Lubbock) for a zoning change from Heavy Commercial District (C-4), General Retail District (C-3), Multi-Family District (R-3), and Two-Family District (R-2) to Local Retail District (CB-2), Central Business District, General (CB-3), and Depot District (CB-4) on approximately 400 acres of platted and unplatted land as follows: Lots 1, 2, Block 3, Knight Addition; Block 2, Robinson Addition; Lots 1, 2, 23, and 24, Block 2, Dixie Land Addition; Lots 1-3, Block 1, Summers Cockrell Addition; Lots 8-10 of Block 8, Block 1, McCrummen 1st Addition; Lots 1-6 of Block 1, Lots 1-3 of Block 2, Myrick’s Addition; Lots 1-5, and the north half of Lot 6, Penney Addition; Lots 1-5 and Lots 17-20, Pickett & Penney Addition; Lots 3-11 and the north half of Lot 12, and closed alley, JV Roy Addition; Lots 1-6 and Lot 13, Mrs. IA Boyd Addition; north 166 feet of Kuykendall Tract Addition; Tract 27, Overton Park Addition; Lots 13-17, Block 2, McCrummen 2nd Addition; Lots 1-22, Garland Addition; Lots 1-3, Block 7, Heim Addition; Blocks 1, 3, 4, and the east half of Blocks 5-10, Blocks 11, 121, 134, and Tract A, Overton Addition; Block 1, Dupree Addition; Blocks 1, 2, and 43, Merrill Addition; Block 2, Bowles Addition; all of Neal and Alexander Addition; all of LPK Addition; all of American State Bank Addition; all of GA Rush Addition; all of Depot District Addition; all of JT Hart Addition; Blocks 54, 55, 70, 71, 86, 87, 97 – 106, 113 - 123, 127 – 138, 143 – 150, 160 – 166, 176 – 182, 191 – 201, 207 – 217, 223 – 233 and the Public Square Lubbock Original Town Addition; and 4.275 acres of unplatted land out of Block O, Sections 1 and 2, and Block B, Sections 7 and 9, a portion of railroad right of way, and all closed streets and alleys; and all adjacent right of way (generally located south of 7th Street, north of 25th Street between Interstate 27 and Avenue R), and to consider an ordinance.
Ordinance 1st Reading - City Manager: Consider adding Section 14.01.008 to the Code of Ordinances, regulating and prohibiting the presence of any person on the premises of the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, Mahon Public Library, City Hall, or Lubbock Business Center between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m.
Contract Resolution - Facilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 9844 with Talon/LPE for interior renovations at Mahon Library.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider seventeen appointments to the Homelessness Committee, appointing one of those members as Chairperson of the Committee; one appointment to the Model Codes and Construction Advisory Board; six appointments to the Structural Standards Commission; one appointment to the Urban Renewal/Neighborhood Redevelopment Commission; and one appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Citizen Comments - Any citizen wishing to appear before any regular meeting of the City Council shall advise the City Manager’s office of that fact no later than seven calendar days before the meeting at which the citizen wishes to appear. Any citizen wishing to so appear shall inform the City Manager’s office, in writing, of the subject of the appearance. The subject matter shall be sufficiently detailed as to inform the City Council and the public of its nature. Such notice shall contain the name and address of the requestor. The appearance of any citizen giving such notice to the City Manager’s office shall take precedence in addressing the City Council during the Citizen Comments period. Any citizen failing to advise the City Manager’s office of his/her wish to appear before the City Council as hereinabove set forth shall, time permitting, be permitted to address the City Council after those having given notice. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not take action on public matters during Citizen Comments. 1.1 Jo Arthur will appear before the City Council to discuss Sharia Law.
2.1 Hold an executive session in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated (V.T.C.A.) Government Code, Section 551.071, to discuss pending or contemplated litigation or settlement agreement, and hold a consultation with attorney. 2.2 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.072, to deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, or value of real property. 2.3 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.074 (a)(1), to discuss personnel matters and take appropriate action. 2.4 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.086, on the following competitive matters (Electric Utilities) 2.5 Hold an executive session in accordance with V.T.C.A. Government Code, Section 551.074(a)(1), to discuss personnel matters regarding duties, responsibilities, and/or appointments to the Structural Standards Commission, Urban Renewal/Neighborhood Redevelopment Commission, and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
Proclamations and Presentations 3.1 Invocation by Associate Pastor Chuck Rodger, Christian Life Assembly of God 3.2 Pledges of Allegiance 3.3 Board Recognitions: Appointments Advisory Board Margaret Hite Electric Utility Board Emilio Abeyta George Carpenter Virgil Johnson Glen Robertson Lubbock Economic Development Alliance Les Eubank Market Lubbock, Inc. Board of Directors Les Eubank
Minutes 4.1 November 4, 2010, Regular City Council Meeting
Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine and enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3143 (west of Milwaukee Avenue between 26th Street and 34th Street): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Hugo Reed & Associates, Inc., for Tigris Development, for a zoning change from Single-Family District (R-1) to High Density Apartment District (A-2) and General Retail District (C-3) on 22.9 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 43, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3144 (3221 Slaton Road): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Carroll Estes for a zoning change from Heavy Manufacturing District (M-2) to M-2 Specific Use (auto auction) on 15.56 acres of unplatted land out of Block S, Section 4, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 1087-B (1811 13th Street): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of H. Deane Pierce for a zoning change from Family Apartment District (A-1) to Garden Office District (GO) on the west 84 feet of Lots 8-10, Block 13, Overton Addition, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 2895-D (from 85th Street to 88th Street between Milwaukee Avenue and Iola Avenue): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Betenbough Homes for a zoning change from Apartment Medical District (AM), General Retail District (C-3), and Family Apartment District (A-1) Specific Use for garden homes to Single-Family District (R-1) Specific Use (for reduced setbacks) on 39.941 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 28, and to consider an ordinance.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3145 (generally located south of 7th Street, north of 25th Street between Interstate 27 and Avenue R): Hold a public hearing to consider a request of Delbert McDougal (for the City of Lubbock) for a zoning change from Heavy Commercial District (C-4), General Retail District (C-3), Multi-Family District (R-3), and Two-Family District (R-2) to Local Retail District (CB-2), Central Business District, General (CB-3), and Depot District (CB-4) on approximately 400 acres of platted and unplatted land as follows: Lots 1, 2, Block 3, Knight Addition; Block 2, Robinson Addition; Lots 1, 2, 23, and 24, Block 2, Dixie Land Addition; Lots 1-3, Block 1, Summers Cockrell Addition; Lots 8-10 of Block 8, Block 1, McCrummen 1st Addition; Lots 1-6 of Block 1, Lots 1-3 of Block 2, Myrick’s Addition; Lots 1-5, and the north half of Lot 6, Penney Addition; Lots 1-5 and Lots 17-20, Pickett & Penney Addition; Lots 3-11 and the north half of Lot 12, and closed alley, JV Roy Addition; Lots 1-6 and Lot 13, Mrs. IA Boyd Addition; north 166 feet of Kuykendall Tract Addition; Tract 27, Overton Park Addition; Lots 13-17, Block 2, McCrummen 2nd Addition; Lots 1-22, Garland Addition; Lots 1-3, Block 7, Heim Addition; Blocks 1, 3, 4, and the east half of Blocks 5-10, Blocks 11, 121, 134, and Tract A, Overton Addition; Block 1, Dupree Addition; Blocks 1, 2, and 43, Merrill Addition; Block 2, Bowles Addition; all of Neal and Alexander Addition; all of LPK Addition; all of American State Bank Addition; all of GA Rush Addition; all of Depot District Addition; all of JT Hart Addition; Blocks 54, 55, 70, 71, 86, 87, 97 – 106, 113 - 123, 127 – 138, 143 – 150, 160 – 166, 176 – 182, 191 – 201, 207 – 217, 223 – 233 and the Public Square Lubbock Original Town Addition; and 4.275 acres of unplatted land out of Block O, Sections 1 and 2, and Block B, Sections 7 and 9, a portion of railroad right of way, and all closed streets and alleys; and all adjacent right of way (generally located south of 7th Street, north of 25th Street between Interstate 27 and Avenue R), and to consider an ordinance.
Ordinance 1st Reading - City Manager: Consider adding Section 14.01.008 to the Code of Ordinances, regulating and prohibiting the presence of any person on the premises of the Lubbock Memorial Civic Center, Mahon Public Library, City Hall, or Lubbock Business Center between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 5:00 a.m.
Contract Resolution - Facilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 9844 with Talon/LPE for interior renovations at Mahon Library.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider seventeen appointments to the Homelessness Committee, appointing one of those members as Chairperson of the Committee; one appointment to the Model Codes and Construction Advisory Board; six appointments to the Structural Standards Commission; one appointment to the Urban Renewal/Neighborhood Redevelopment Commission; and one appointment to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.