Item 1 (Part 1 0f 4) Citizen Comments
Citizen Comments - Any citizen wishing to appear before any regular meeting of the City Council shall advise the City Manager’s office of that fact no later than seven calendar days before the meeting at which the citizen wishes to appear. Any citizen wishing to so appear shall inform the City Manager’s office, in writing, of the subject of the appearance. The subject matter shall be sufficiently detailed as to inform the City Council and the public of its nature. Such notice shall contain the name and address of the requestor. The appearance of any citizen giving such notice to the City Manager’s office shall take precedence in addressing the City Council during the Citizen Comments period. Any citizen failing to advise the City Manager’s office of his/her wish to appear before the City Council as hereinabove set forth shall, time permitting, be permitted to address the City Council after those having given notice. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not take action on public matters during Citizen Comments. 1.1 Mickey Jones will appear before the City Council to discuss after hours answering service and animal ordinances.
Item 1 (Part 2 0f 4) Citizen Comments
Lea Kidd will appear before the City Council to discuss the deterioration of neighborhoods, landlords, and code/ordinance enforcement.
Item 1 (Part 3 of 4) Citizen Comments
Philip Ford will appear before the City Council to discuss the effects of the heat on the elderly during hot summer months and LP&L's shut-off policies.
Item 1 (Part 4 of 4) Citizen Comments
Citizen's who signed up day of the meeting.
Items 3.1 & 3.2 Pledge/Invocation
Board Recognitions: Appointments Advisory Board Carlos Morales Nathan Cage Civic Lubbock, Inc., Board of Directors Dr. Idris Traylor Lubbock Water Advisory Commission George Sell Public Transit Advisory Board Susan Castles Water Board of Appeals Ben Alexander Zoning Board of Adjustment Carl Tepper
Consent Agenda Approved Items 5.1, 5.2, 5.4-5.22, 5.17-5-20, 5.22-5.28, 5.30, 5.32-5.36, 5.38, 5.42.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Business Development: Ordinance 2011-O0052 Consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the North Overton Public Improvement District; approving, adopting and filing with the City Secretary the Assessment Roll; closing the hearing and levying assessments based on the revised Service Plan for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the PID during FY 2011-12.
Contract Resolution – Public Works Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute unit price Contract 10071 with D&H Petroleum & Environmental Services for Lake Alan Henry (LAH) Boathouse Fuel Line and Containment System at LAH, RFP 11-10071-MA.
Contract Resolution - Public Works Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute unit price Contract 10156 with Lone Star Dirt and Paving, Ltd, for strip paving 114th Street from Slide Road to Memphis Avenue, Bid 11-10156-MA.
5.14 Contract Resolution - Public Works Traffic Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute unit price Contract 10067 with Brown-McKee, Inc., for traffic signal pier drilling services, Bid 11-10067-FO. 5.15 Contract Resolution - Public Works Traffic Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase order Contract 10002317 with Consolidated Traffic Controls for traffic control and signal preemption equipment. 5.16 Contract Resolution - Public Works Traffic Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase order Contract 10002765 with Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc., for video detection equipment.
Alley Use License Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an alley use license with Aunt Carol’s Bakery and Confectionary to use a portion of a dedicated alley for a grease trap, 3709 19th Street
Variance Resolution – Planning: Consider a resolution approving and granting a variance from the applicable 300-foot minimum distance provisions of City of Lubbock Ordinance 2009-O0060 at the location of 2703 A 26th Street for Host and Toast, a business requesting an off premise alcoholic beverage permit.
Resolution - Community Development: Consider a resolution approving the proposal for the Community Development and Services Board (CDSB) FY 2011-12 funding recommendations to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG).
Contract Resolution - Facilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute job order Contract 10254 with Talon/LPE for the demolition of the Civic Center courtyard fountain and associated infrastructure.
Presentation of Lubbock Redistricting Model, Judge Warnick
2011 Legislative Agenda update, Robert Floyd, Hance Scarborough.
Minutes June 9, 2011, Regular City Council Meeting
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Business Development: Hold a public hearing to consider the creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) for Valencia, generally bounded by portions of 85th Street on the north, 88th Place on the south, Iola Avenue on the east, and Milwaukee Avenue on the west.
Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution making findings and authorizing establishment of the Valencia Public Improvement District (PID) generally bounded by portions of 85th Street on the north, 88th Place on the south, Iola Avenue on the east, and Milwaukee Avenue on the west.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Business Development: Hold a public hearing to consider an ordinance to levy the assessment for the North Point Public Improvement District (PID), the boundary of which includes the area between Erskine Street and Ursuline Street, and between North Quaker Avenue to a line east of Frankford Avenue.
Ordinance 1st Reading - Business Development: Consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the North Point Public Improvement District (PID); approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the Assessment Roll; closing the hearing; and levying assessments based on the revised Service Plan for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the PID during FY 2011-12.
Contract Resolution - Civic Centers: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a license agreement with Civic Lubbock, Inc., (CLI) for the restoration and refurbishing of the JI Allison House.
Resolution - City Attorney: Introduce into record and discuss without action a proposed resolution amending certain policies and procedures as set forth in the City of Lubbock Council Rules, Order of Business, and Procedures manual to include "Guidelines for the Retention and Hiring of Outside Legal Counsel."
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider one appointment to the Building Board of Appeals and appoint the Chairperson of the Lubbock Water Advisory Commission.
Presentation and discussion on Senate Bill 100, as it relates to options for general election dates. Becky Garza, City Secretary; and John Grace, Assistant City Attorney.
FY 2011-12 Operating Budget and Capital Program discussion to include all funds and operations of the City. Lee Ann Dumbauld, City Manager; and Andy Burcham, Chief Financial Officer.
Item 1 (Part 1 0f 4) Citizen Comments
Citizen Comments - Any citizen wishing to appear before any regular meeting of the City Council shall advise the City Manager’s office of that fact no later than seven calendar days before the meeting at which the citizen wishes to appear. Any citizen wishing to so appear shall inform the City Manager’s office, in writing, of the subject of the appearance. The subject matter shall be sufficiently detailed as to inform the City Council and the public of its nature. Such notice shall contain the name and address of the requestor. The appearance of any citizen giving such notice to the City Manager’s office shall take precedence in addressing the City Council during the Citizen Comments period. Any citizen failing to advise the City Manager’s office of his/her wish to appear before the City Council as hereinabove set forth shall, time permitting, be permitted to address the City Council after those having given notice. In accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, the City Council may not take action on public matters during Citizen Comments. 1.1 Mickey Jones will appear before the City Council to discuss after hours answering service and animal ordinances.
Item 1 (Part 2 0f 4) Citizen Comments
Lea Kidd will appear before the City Council to discuss the deterioration of neighborhoods, landlords, and code/ordinance enforcement.
Item 1 (Part 3 of 4) Citizen Comments
Philip Ford will appear before the City Council to discuss the effects of the heat on the elderly during hot summer months and LP&L's shut-off policies.
Item 1 (Part 4 of 4) Citizen Comments
Citizen's who signed up day of the meeting.
Items 3.1 & 3.2 Pledge/Invocation
Board Recognitions: Appointments Advisory Board Carlos Morales Nathan Cage Civic Lubbock, Inc., Board of Directors Dr. Idris Traylor Lubbock Water Advisory Commission George Sell Public Transit Advisory Board Susan Castles Water Board of Appeals Ben Alexander Zoning Board of Adjustment Carl Tepper
Consent Agenda Approved Items 5.1, 5.2, 5.4-5.22, 5.17-5-20, 5.22-5.28, 5.30, 5.32-5.36, 5.38, 5.42.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Business Development: Ordinance 2011-O0052 Consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the North Overton Public Improvement District; approving, adopting and filing with the City Secretary the Assessment Roll; closing the hearing and levying assessments based on the revised Service Plan for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the PID during FY 2011-12.
Contract Resolution – Public Works Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute unit price Contract 10071 with D&H Petroleum & Environmental Services for Lake Alan Henry (LAH) Boathouse Fuel Line and Containment System at LAH, RFP 11-10071-MA.
Contract Resolution - Public Works Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute unit price Contract 10156 with Lone Star Dirt and Paving, Ltd, for strip paving 114th Street from Slide Road to Memphis Avenue, Bid 11-10156-MA.
5.14 Contract Resolution - Public Works Traffic Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute unit price Contract 10067 with Brown-McKee, Inc., for traffic signal pier drilling services, Bid 11-10067-FO. 5.15 Contract Resolution - Public Works Traffic Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase order Contract 10002317 with Consolidated Traffic Controls for traffic control and signal preemption equipment. 5.16 Contract Resolution - Public Works Traffic Engineering: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute purchase order Contract 10002765 with Paradigm Traffic Systems, Inc., for video detection equipment.
Alley Use License Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute an alley use license with Aunt Carol’s Bakery and Confectionary to use a portion of a dedicated alley for a grease trap, 3709 19th Street
Variance Resolution – Planning: Consider a resolution approving and granting a variance from the applicable 300-foot minimum distance provisions of City of Lubbock Ordinance 2009-O0060 at the location of 2703 A 26th Street for Host and Toast, a business requesting an off premise alcoholic beverage permit.
Resolution - Community Development: Consider a resolution approving the proposal for the Community Development and Services Board (CDSB) FY 2011-12 funding recommendations to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and the Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG).
Contract Resolution - Facilities: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute job order Contract 10254 with Talon/LPE for the demolition of the Civic Center courtyard fountain and associated infrastructure.
Presentation of Lubbock Redistricting Model, Judge Warnick
2011 Legislative Agenda update, Robert Floyd, Hance Scarborough.
Minutes June 9, 2011, Regular City Council Meeting
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Business Development: Hold a public hearing to consider the creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) for Valencia, generally bounded by portions of 85th Street on the north, 88th Place on the south, Iola Avenue on the east, and Milwaukee Avenue on the west.
Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution making findings and authorizing establishment of the Valencia Public Improvement District (PID) generally bounded by portions of 85th Street on the north, 88th Place on the south, Iola Avenue on the east, and Milwaukee Avenue on the west.
Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Business Development: Hold a public hearing to consider an ordinance to levy the assessment for the North Point Public Improvement District (PID), the boundary of which includes the area between Erskine Street and Ursuline Street, and between North Quaker Avenue to a line east of Frankford Avenue.
Ordinance 1st Reading - Business Development: Consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the North Point Public Improvement District (PID); approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the Assessment Roll; closing the hearing; and levying assessments based on the revised Service Plan for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the PID during FY 2011-12.
Contract Resolution - Civic Centers: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a license agreement with Civic Lubbock, Inc., (CLI) for the restoration and refurbishing of the JI Allison House.
Resolution - City Attorney: Introduce into record and discuss without action a proposed resolution amending certain policies and procedures as set forth in the City of Lubbock Council Rules, Order of Business, and Procedures manual to include "Guidelines for the Retention and Hiring of Outside Legal Counsel."
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider one appointment to the Building Board of Appeals and appoint the Chairperson of the Lubbock Water Advisory Commission.
Presentation and discussion on Senate Bill 100, as it relates to options for general election dates. Becky Garza, City Secretary; and John Grace, Assistant City Attorney.
FY 2011-12 Operating Budget and Capital Program discussion to include all funds and operations of the City. Lee Ann Dumbauld, City Manager; and Andy Burcham, Chief Financial Officer.