Citizen Comments
2. Executive Session 2.1 Hold an executive session in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated (V.T.C.A.) Government Code, Section 551.071, to discuss pending or contemplated litigation or settlement agreement, and hold a consultation with attorney. 3. Proclamations and Presentations 3.1 Invocation by Samer Altabaa, Imam, Islamic Center of the South Plains 3.2 Pledges of Allegiance
3.3 Presentation of a special recognition commemorating the week of August 7-13, 2011, as National Health Center Week 3.4 Presentation of special recognition commemorating August 11, 2011, as Rose Hankson Day for 20 years of volunteer service
4. Minutes 4.1 July 14, 2011, Regular City Council Meeting 5. Consent Agenda - Items 5.1-5.6, 5.10-5.11, and 5.14-5.16 approved.
Contract Resolution - Public Works Water Utility: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 10370 with the City of Littlefield for the purchase of water during emergency situations.
Contract Resolution - Public Works: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute professional services Contract 10073 with Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc., for the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) restudy of System G, RFQ 11-10073-DT.
Contract Resolution - Fleet Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to reject all bids for the purchase of a pontoon boat and trailer for use at Lake Alan Henry, Bid 11-10153-RH.
Contract Resolution - Citibus: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract No. 10161 with Narvaez Paint and Body for bus painting services, Bid 11-10161-DG.
Contract Resolution - Community Development: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Lease Renewal and Extension Agreement with the Guadalupe/Parkway Neighborhood Centers for property located at 123 North Avenue N.
6.1 Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3156 (1502 East 52nd Street): Hold a public hearing to consider request of Steve Fuller for a zoning change from Light Manufacturing District (M-1) to Single-Family District (R-1) on Lot 36 and the western 140 feet of Lot 35, James Addition, and to consider an ordinance. 6.2 Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3157 (3425 118th Street): Hold a public hearing to consider request of Thom Vines for zoning change from Single-Family District (R-1) to R-1 Specific Use for a communications tower on a portion of Tract A, Second Cooper Middle School Addition, and to consider an ordinance. 6.3 Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 2269-P (8210 and 8214 Memphis Avenue): Hold a public hearing to consider request of Dan Wilson Construction for zoning change from Apartment-Medical District (AM) Specific Use to Neighborhood Service District (C-1) limited to a beauty salon and garden office uses on Tracts E-2 and B-4, Kings Gate Addition, and to consider an ordinance. Recess for 10 minutes
Property Tax Rate Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution adopting a proposed property tax rate that will result in additional revenues as outlined in Section 26.05(d) of the Tax Code of the State of Texas, and setting the dates for public hearings to discuss the proposed tax rate.
Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - City Council: Consider an ordinance amending the definition of food establishment in Section 8.16.001 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances to exempt kitchens in private homes. Executive Session
Citizen Comments
2. Executive Session 2.1 Hold an executive session in accordance with Vernon's Texas Codes Annotated (V.T.C.A.) Government Code, Section 551.071, to discuss pending or contemplated litigation or settlement agreement, and hold a consultation with attorney. 3. Proclamations and Presentations 3.1 Invocation by Samer Altabaa, Imam, Islamic Center of the South Plains 3.2 Pledges of Allegiance
3.3 Presentation of a special recognition commemorating the week of August 7-13, 2011, as National Health Center Week 3.4 Presentation of special recognition commemorating August 11, 2011, as Rose Hankson Day for 20 years of volunteer service
4. Minutes 4.1 July 14, 2011, Regular City Council Meeting 5. Consent Agenda - Items 5.1-5.6, 5.10-5.11, and 5.14-5.16 approved.
Contract Resolution - Public Works Water Utility: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 10370 with the City of Littlefield for the purchase of water during emergency situations.
Contract Resolution - Public Works: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute professional services Contract 10073 with Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc., for the Federal Emergency Management Association (FEMA) restudy of System G, RFQ 11-10073-DT.
Contract Resolution - Fleet Services: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to reject all bids for the purchase of a pontoon boat and trailer for use at Lake Alan Henry, Bid 11-10153-RH.
Contract Resolution - Citibus: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract No. 10161 with Narvaez Paint and Body for bus painting services, Bid 11-10161-DG.
Contract Resolution - Community Development: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Lease Renewal and Extension Agreement with the Guadalupe/Parkway Neighborhood Centers for property located at 123 North Avenue N.
6.1 Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3156 (1502 East 52nd Street): Hold a public hearing to consider request of Steve Fuller for a zoning change from Light Manufacturing District (M-1) to Single-Family District (R-1) on Lot 36 and the western 140 feet of Lot 35, James Addition, and to consider an ordinance. 6.2 Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 3157 (3425 118th Street): Hold a public hearing to consider request of Thom Vines for zoning change from Single-Family District (R-1) to R-1 Specific Use for a communications tower on a portion of Tract A, Second Cooper Middle School Addition, and to consider an ordinance. 6.3 Public Hearing 9:30 a.m. - Planning: Zone Case 2269-P (8210 and 8214 Memphis Avenue): Hold a public hearing to consider request of Dan Wilson Construction for zoning change from Apartment-Medical District (AM) Specific Use to Neighborhood Service District (C-1) limited to a beauty salon and garden office uses on Tracts E-2 and B-4, Kings Gate Addition, and to consider an ordinance. Recess for 10 minutes
Property Tax Rate Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution adopting a proposed property tax rate that will result in additional revenues as outlined in Section 26.05(d) of the Tax Code of the State of Texas, and setting the dates for public hearings to discuss the proposed tax rate.
Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - City Council: Consider an ordinance amending the definition of food establishment in Section 8.16.001 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances to exempt kitchens in private homes. Executive Session