2. 1. Invocation by Minister Karl Ihfe, Broadway Church of Christ. 2. 2. Pledges of Allegiance.
Presentation of a special recognition to designate October 23 as Texas Paralegal Day.
Presentation of a special recognition designating October 15-19, 2012 as Imagine Lubbock Together Week and October 18, 2012 as Imagine Lubbock Together Vision Summit Day.
Citizen Comments
Minutes August 7, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (EUB); August 16, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (LWAC); August 21, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (LMPO); and September 13, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting.
Consent Agenda
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Councilman Victor Hernandez: Consider Budget Ordinance 2012-O0107 Amendment 1 amending the Adopted FY 2012-13 Budget respecting the General Capital Project Fund by amending Capital Improvement Project 92217, 34th Street Reconstruction – Indiana Avenue to Avenue Q, and by amending Capital Improvement Project 92287, Llano Esacado Lake (Lake #2).
Budget Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 4 amending the adopted FY 2012-13 Budget respecting the Capital Program in the Lubbock Power and Light (LP&L) Enterprise Fund as recommended by the Electric Utility Board on September 18, 2012, by establishing Capital Improvement Project 92319, 230 kV Transmission Loop; and by establishing Capital Improvement Project 92320, Substation Breaker Replacements.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance 2012-O0108 Amendment 25 amending the Adopted FY 2011-12 Budget respecting the Grant Fund to accept and appropriate additional funding from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), Grant 82048; and accept and appropriate funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the Section 5304 Planning Grant.
Resolution - Finance: A resolution of the City of Lubbock calling for redemption of certain outstanding obligations and authorizing the payment.
Resolution - Transit: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Section 5304 Grant, Contract 51305F7134, with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), for Citibus fixed route system analysis.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning: Zone Case 3188 Ordinance 2012-O0113 Consider a request of Joseph Reed, on behalf of Church on the Rock, for a zoning change from T to A-2 limited to a church and church-related uses on Tract A, Church on the Rock Addition and approximately .9 acres of unplatted land, 10503 Slide Road.
Resolution - Police: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 10975 with the United States Air Force, 367RCS Enlisted Recruiting Division to use the Lubbock Police Department pistol/rifle range and obstacle course.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Councilwoman Latrelle Joy: Consider Budget Ordinance 2012-O0117 Amendment 2 amending the Adopted FY 2012-13 budget respecting General Fund by adding three positions to position control, appropriation of additional sales tax revenue, and amending the payroll and benefits in Internal Audit and City Council offices.
6.1 Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. - Finance: Hold a public hearing for the City Council to consider the creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) for Kelsey Park; generally bounded by FM 1585 on the north, Indiana Avenue on the east, the Lubbock city limits on the south, and Quaker Avenue on the west. 6.2 Resolution - Finance: Consider a Resolution making findings and authorizing establishment of the Kelsey Park Public Improvement District generally bounded by FM 1585 on the north, Indiana Avenue on the east, the Lubbock city limits on the south, and Quaker Avenue on the west.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Declare one appointment by the Mayor to the Housing Authority Board of Directors, "James Watson."
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider one appointment to the Appointments Advisory Board and one appointment of the City Council members to the South Plains Association of Governments (SPAG) Board of Directors.
2. 1. Invocation by Minister Karl Ihfe, Broadway Church of Christ. 2. 2. Pledges of Allegiance.
Presentation of a special recognition to designate October 23 as Texas Paralegal Day.
Presentation of a special recognition designating October 15-19, 2012 as Imagine Lubbock Together Week and October 18, 2012 as Imagine Lubbock Together Vision Summit Day.
Citizen Comments
Minutes August 7, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (EUB); August 16, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (LWAC); August 21, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (LMPO); and September 13, 2012 Regular City Council Meeting.
Consent Agenda
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Councilman Victor Hernandez: Consider Budget Ordinance 2012-O0107 Amendment 1 amending the Adopted FY 2012-13 Budget respecting the General Capital Project Fund by amending Capital Improvement Project 92217, 34th Street Reconstruction – Indiana Avenue to Avenue Q, and by amending Capital Improvement Project 92287, Llano Esacado Lake (Lake #2).
Budget Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 4 amending the adopted FY 2012-13 Budget respecting the Capital Program in the Lubbock Power and Light (LP&L) Enterprise Fund as recommended by the Electric Utility Board on September 18, 2012, by establishing Capital Improvement Project 92319, 230 kV Transmission Loop; and by establishing Capital Improvement Project 92320, Substation Breaker Replacements.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance 2012-O0108 Amendment 25 amending the Adopted FY 2011-12 Budget respecting the Grant Fund to accept and appropriate additional funding from the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) for the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP), Grant 82048; and accept and appropriate funding from the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for the Section 5304 Planning Grant.
Resolution - Finance: A resolution of the City of Lubbock calling for redemption of certain outstanding obligations and authorizing the payment.
Resolution - Transit: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Section 5304 Grant, Contract 51305F7134, with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), for Citibus fixed route system analysis.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Planning: Zone Case 3188 Ordinance 2012-O0113 Consider a request of Joseph Reed, on behalf of Church on the Rock, for a zoning change from T to A-2 limited to a church and church-related uses on Tract A, Church on the Rock Addition and approximately .9 acres of unplatted land, 10503 Slide Road.
Resolution - Police: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute Contract 10975 with the United States Air Force, 367RCS Enlisted Recruiting Division to use the Lubbock Police Department pistol/rifle range and obstacle course.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 2nd Reading - Councilwoman Latrelle Joy: Consider Budget Ordinance 2012-O0117 Amendment 2 amending the Adopted FY 2012-13 budget respecting General Fund by adding three positions to position control, appropriation of additional sales tax revenue, and amending the payroll and benefits in Internal Audit and City Council offices.
6.1 Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. - Finance: Hold a public hearing for the City Council to consider the creation of a Public Improvement District (PID) for Kelsey Park; generally bounded by FM 1585 on the north, Indiana Avenue on the east, the Lubbock city limits on the south, and Quaker Avenue on the west. 6.2 Resolution - Finance: Consider a Resolution making findings and authorizing establishment of the Kelsey Park Public Improvement District generally bounded by FM 1585 on the north, Indiana Avenue on the east, the Lubbock city limits on the south, and Quaker Avenue on the west.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Declare one appointment by the Mayor to the Housing Authority Board of Directors, "James Watson."
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider one appointment to the Appointments Advisory Board and one appointment of the City Council members to the South Plains Association of Governments (SPAG) Board of Directors.