2.1 Invocation by Minister of Missions and Buckner Initiatives Jerry Ramirez, First Baptist Church. 2.2 Pledges of Allegiance.
Heritage Middle School Choir, under the direction of Chris Jarvis, will perform three Christmas songs.
Board of Health: Ollie Thomas Model Codes & Construction Advisory Board: Jarrod Hall
Citizens Comments
Minutes: November 27, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (Imagine Lubbock Together) December 4, 2012 Special City Council Meeting
Consent Agenda Items: 5.1 - 5.13
Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. Hold a public hearing to receive input concerning the adoption of an ordinance to designate a Reinvestment Zone for an area located south of East 14th Street at Elm Avenue.
Ordinance 1st Reading - Business Development: Consider an ordinance designating a reinvestment zone within the City of Lubbock as authorized by Chapter 312, Tax Code; describing the boundaries of said zone; describing the eligibility of said zone for commercial industrial tax abatement; providing a saving clause and providing for publication.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 13 amending the FY 2012-13 Budget respecting the Capital Program in the Lubbock Power and Light (LP&L) Enterprise Fund per recommendation by the Electric Utility Board on November 20, 2012, by amending Capital Improvement Project 92203, High Line Truck Covered Parking, and amending Capital Improvement Project 92283, Massengale (MGL) 6 and 7 Cooling Tower Replacement.
Contract Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution approving the projects, programs, and activities of Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Inc., (LEDA), and Market Lubbock, Inc., Economic Development Corporation (MLI), including the 2012 Project Summary brochure.
Resolution - City Manager: Consider a resolution accepting the 2013 Legislative Package for the City of Lubbock.
6. 6. Resolution - City Council: Consider a resolution supporting an application for funding from the HOME Investment Partnership Program that GS Lubbock, 1LP will submit to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). (Deferred) 6. 7. Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider three appointments to the Lubbock Business Park Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors, two appointments to the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Inc.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Appoint the Chairperson of the Lubbock Business Park TIF Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for calendar year 2013, with the term ending on December 31, 2013
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Appoint the Chairperson of the Central Business TIF Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for calendar year 2013, with the term ending on December 31, 2013.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Appoint the Chairperson of the North Overton TIF Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for calendar year 2013, with the term ending on December 31, 2013.
Consider regulatory options available to the City of Lubbock in connection with the availability, sale, use, and criminalization of synthetic psychoactive designer drugs, including synthetic marijuana; and give direction regarding the development of local ordinances.
2.1 Invocation by Minister of Missions and Buckner Initiatives Jerry Ramirez, First Baptist Church. 2.2 Pledges of Allegiance.
Heritage Middle School Choir, under the direction of Chris Jarvis, will perform three Christmas songs.
Board of Health: Ollie Thomas Model Codes & Construction Advisory Board: Jarrod Hall
Citizens Comments
Minutes: November 27, 2012 Special City Council Meeting (Imagine Lubbock Together) December 4, 2012 Special City Council Meeting
Consent Agenda Items: 5.1 - 5.13
Public Hearing 6:30 p.m. Hold a public hearing to receive input concerning the adoption of an ordinance to designate a Reinvestment Zone for an area located south of East 14th Street at Elm Avenue.
Ordinance 1st Reading - Business Development: Consider an ordinance designating a reinvestment zone within the City of Lubbock as authorized by Chapter 312, Tax Code; describing the boundaries of said zone; describing the eligibility of said zone for commercial industrial tax abatement; providing a saving clause and providing for publication.
Budget Ordinance Amendment 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 13 amending the FY 2012-13 Budget respecting the Capital Program in the Lubbock Power and Light (LP&L) Enterprise Fund per recommendation by the Electric Utility Board on November 20, 2012, by amending Capital Improvement Project 92203, High Line Truck Covered Parking, and amending Capital Improvement Project 92283, Massengale (MGL) 6 and 7 Cooling Tower Replacement.
Contract Resolution - Business Development: Consider a resolution approving the projects, programs, and activities of Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Inc., (LEDA), and Market Lubbock, Inc., Economic Development Corporation (MLI), including the 2012 Project Summary brochure.
Resolution - City Manager: Consider a resolution accepting the 2013 Legislative Package for the City of Lubbock.
6. 6. Resolution - City Council: Consider a resolution supporting an application for funding from the HOME Investment Partnership Program that GS Lubbock, 1LP will submit to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). (Deferred) 6. 7. Board Appointments - City Secretary: Consider three appointments to the Lubbock Business Park Tax Increment Financing Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors, two appointments to the Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Inc.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Appoint the Chairperson of the Lubbock Business Park TIF Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for calendar year 2013, with the term ending on December 31, 2013
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Appoint the Chairperson of the Central Business TIF Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for calendar year 2013, with the term ending on December 31, 2013.
Board Appointments - City Secretary: Appoint the Chairperson of the North Overton TIF Reinvestment Zone Board of Directors for calendar year 2013, with the term ending on December 31, 2013.
Consider regulatory options available to the City of Lubbock in connection with the availability, sale, use, and criminalization of synthetic psychoactive designer drugs, including synthetic marijuana; and give direction regarding the development of local ordinances.