Proclamations and Presentations
Citizen Comments - Any citizen wishing to appear before any regular meeting of the City Council to speak: shall contact the City Manager's Office of that fact to provide the City Manager's Office the subject matter that will be addressed, no later than seventy-five (75) hours before the meeting at which the citizen wishes to appear; or shall sign up to speak at the City Council meeting itself in regard to any item posted on the City Council agenda under the "Citizen Comment Period." Or, a citizen may sign up to speak at the City Council meeting itself on a topic that is not posted on the agenda under the "Open Citizen Comment" period. REFER TO SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA: CITIZEN COMMENT
Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine and enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
5. Budget Amendment Ordinance 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 42 amending the FY 2013-14 budget for municipal purposes respecting the General Fund to appropriate additional funding; providing for filing; and providing for a savings clause.
Resolution - Public Works: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Contract with Parkhill Smith and Cooper, Inc., of Lubbock, Texas for the completion of the design for Phase 2 of the Northwest Lubbock Drainage Improvements Project 92174.
Ordinance 2nd Reading – Planning: Consider Ordinance 2014-O0113, for Zone Case 1811-F, a request of Wooden Law Firm, P.C., for Verizon Wireless, for a zoning change from C-2 to C-2 Specific Use for a telecommunications tower on the west 40 feet of Lot 16, Iris Gardens Addition, 3311 83rd Street.
Ordinance 2nd Reading – Planning: Consider Ordinance 2014-O0120, for Zone Case 3039-A, a request of Scott Collier, for YWCA, for a zoning change from R-1 to A-2 Specific Use on Lot 1, Swim Club Addition, 6204 Elgin Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from SWLLD, LLC to annex a parcel approximately 206 acres adjacent to the city limits south of 130th Street (FM 1585) west of Frankford Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from 1585 Development, LLC, W.D. Vardeman, Raymond Dean Vardeman, Wendell Keith Vardeman, and Holly Joy Vardeman Schellhase to annex a parcel approximately 287.318 acres adjacent to the City limits south of 130th Street (FM 1585) east of Indiana Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from Slide & 1585, LLC, Capricho Interiors, LLC, JJ Miller Enterprises, LLC, and Cash Register Services, Inc, to annex a parcel approximately 187.275 acres adjacent to the city limits south of 130th Street (FM 1585) west of Slide Road (FM 1730).
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from George H. McMahan to annex a parcel approximately 95.4 acres adjacent to the city limits south of 114th Street east of Frankford Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. - Finance: Hold a public hearing to consider the 2014 assessment rate for the Valencia Public Improvement District (PID), generally bounded by 85th Street on the north, 88th Place on the south, Iola Avenue on the east, and Milwaukee Avenue on the west.
Ordinance 1st Reading - Finance: Consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Valencia Public Improvement District; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the Assessment Roll; closing the hearing and levying assessments based on the Service Plan for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the PID during FY 2014-15.
Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a street-use license with Texas Tech University for an "Urban Stage Event," for the use of Avenue J, between Main Street and Broadway Avenue on October 25, 2014 - November 8, 2014.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance 2014-O0122 approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriation, and utilization of net assets for all funds of the City; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; providing for filing of adopted budget; establishing Civic Service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving inclusion of equipment and property to be purchased as a part of the master lease program; authorizing the Mayor to appropriate certain funding during a duly declared state of disaster; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; amending Subsection 22.04.041(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising wastewater rates contained therein and providing an effective date for such; amending Subsection 22.06.051(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising Solid Waste landfill rates as contained therein; amending Subsection 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising water rates as contained therein and providing an effective date for such; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance 2014-O0122 approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriation, and utilization of net assets for all funds of the City; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; providing for filing of adopted budget; establishing Civic Service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving inclusion of equipment and property to be purchased as a part of the master lease program; authorizing the Mayor to appropriate certain funding during a duly declared state of disaster; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; amending Subsection 22.04.041(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising wastewater rates contained therein and providing an effective date for such; amending Subsection 22.06.051(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising Solid Waste landfill rates as contained therein; amending Subsection 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising water rates as contained therein and providing an effective date for such; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance 2014-O0122 approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriation, and utilization of net assets for all funds of the City; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; providing for filing of adopted budget; establishing Civic Service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving inclusion of equipment and property to be purchased as a part of the master lease program; authorizing the Mayor to appropriate certain funding during a duly declared state of disaster; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; amending Subsection 22.04.041(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising wastewater rates contained therein and providing an effective date for such; amending Subsection 22.06.051(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising Solid Waste landfill rates as contained therein; amending Subsection 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising water rates as contained therein and providing an effective date for such; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Resolution - City Manager: Consider a resolution amending rules and procedures for the citizen comment period at regular City Council meetings.
Resolution - Lubbock Power & Light: Discuss and take action regarding modifications to the Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) Electric Rate/Tariff Schedule and consider an order and resolution amending the current rate/tariff schedule of LP&L, the City of Lubbock's municipally owned electric utility, applicable to all rate classes, effective October 1, 2014.
Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution amending the allocation of the Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenues for FY 2014-15 and distributing receipts, net collection expenses, as authorized in Subsection 18.03.001(b)(2) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock.
Open Citizen Comment
Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution ratifying the adoption of the FY 2014-15 budget that raises more tax revenue than was generated in the previous year.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Consider Ordinance 2014-O0123 setting the tax rate and levying a tax upon all property subject to taxation with the City of Lubbock for 2014; apportioning said levy among the various funds and items for which revenue must be raised; fixing the times in which said taxes shall be paid and assessing penalty and interest for nonpayment of such taxes within the time provided.
Proclamations and Presentations
Citizen Comments - Any citizen wishing to appear before any regular meeting of the City Council to speak: shall contact the City Manager's Office of that fact to provide the City Manager's Office the subject matter that will be addressed, no later than seventy-five (75) hours before the meeting at which the citizen wishes to appear; or shall sign up to speak at the City Council meeting itself in regard to any item posted on the City Council agenda under the "Citizen Comment Period." Or, a citizen may sign up to speak at the City Council meeting itself on a topic that is not posted on the agenda under the "Open Citizen Comment" period. REFER TO SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA: CITIZEN COMMENT
Consent Agenda - Items considered to be routine and enacted by one motion without separate discussion. If the City Council desires to discuss an item, the item is removed from the Consent Agenda and considered separately.
5. Budget Amendment Ordinance 1st Reading - Finance: Consider Budget Ordinance Amendment 42 amending the FY 2013-14 budget for municipal purposes respecting the General Fund to appropriate additional funding; providing for filing; and providing for a savings clause.
Resolution - Public Works: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a Professional Services Contract with Parkhill Smith and Cooper, Inc., of Lubbock, Texas for the completion of the design for Phase 2 of the Northwest Lubbock Drainage Improvements Project 92174.
Ordinance 2nd Reading – Planning: Consider Ordinance 2014-O0113, for Zone Case 1811-F, a request of Wooden Law Firm, P.C., for Verizon Wireless, for a zoning change from C-2 to C-2 Specific Use for a telecommunications tower on the west 40 feet of Lot 16, Iris Gardens Addition, 3311 83rd Street.
Ordinance 2nd Reading – Planning: Consider Ordinance 2014-O0120, for Zone Case 3039-A, a request of Scott Collier, for YWCA, for a zoning change from R-1 to A-2 Specific Use on Lot 1, Swim Club Addition, 6204 Elgin Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from SWLLD, LLC to annex a parcel approximately 206 acres adjacent to the city limits south of 130th Street (FM 1585) west of Frankford Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from 1585 Development, LLC, W.D. Vardeman, Raymond Dean Vardeman, Wendell Keith Vardeman, and Holly Joy Vardeman Schellhase to annex a parcel approximately 287.318 acres adjacent to the City limits south of 130th Street (FM 1585) east of Indiana Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from Slide & 1585, LLC, Capricho Interiors, LLC, JJ Miller Enterprises, LLC, and Cash Register Services, Inc, to annex a parcel approximately 187.275 acres adjacent to the city limits south of 130th Street (FM 1585) west of Slide Road (FM 1730).
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. – Planning: Conduct a public hearing and consider a petition for annexation from George H. McMahan to annex a parcel approximately 95.4 acres adjacent to the city limits south of 114th Street east of Frankford Avenue.
Public Hearing 5:30 p.m. - Finance: Hold a public hearing to consider the 2014 assessment rate for the Valencia Public Improvement District (PID), generally bounded by 85th Street on the north, 88th Place on the south, Iola Avenue on the east, and Milwaukee Avenue on the west.
Ordinance 1st Reading - Finance: Consider an ordinance reviewing classifications for the methods of assessing special benefits for the services and improvements of property in the Valencia Public Improvement District; approving, adopting, and filing with the City Secretary the Assessment Roll; closing the hearing and levying assessments based on the Service Plan for the cost of certain services and/or improvements to be provided in the PID during FY 2014-15.
Resolution - Right-of-Way: Consider a resolution authorizing the Mayor to execute a street-use license with Texas Tech University for an "Urban Stage Event," for the use of Avenue J, between Main Street and Broadway Avenue on October 25, 2014 - November 8, 2014.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance 2014-O0122 approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriation, and utilization of net assets for all funds of the City; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; providing for filing of adopted budget; establishing Civic Service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving inclusion of equipment and property to be purchased as a part of the master lease program; authorizing the Mayor to appropriate certain funding during a duly declared state of disaster; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; amending Subsection 22.04.041(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising wastewater rates contained therein and providing an effective date for such; amending Subsection 22.06.051(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising Solid Waste landfill rates as contained therein; amending Subsection 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising water rates as contained therein and providing an effective date for such; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance 2014-O0122 approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriation, and utilization of net assets for all funds of the City; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; providing for filing of adopted budget; establishing Civic Service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving inclusion of equipment and property to be purchased as a part of the master lease program; authorizing the Mayor to appropriate certain funding during a duly declared state of disaster; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; amending Subsection 22.04.041(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising wastewater rates contained therein and providing an effective date for such; amending Subsection 22.06.051(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising Solid Waste landfill rates as contained therein; amending Subsection 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising water rates as contained therein and providing an effective date for such; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Ordinance 2014-O0122 approving and adopting a budget for Fiscal Year 2014-15; approving summary of estimated and forecasted revenues, appropriation, and utilization of net assets for all funds of the City; providing for necessary transfers of funds between accounts and departments, if required; authorizing reduction of spending by City Manager if necessary; providing for filing of adopted budget; establishing Civic Service classifications and positions; appropriating funds for the Fiscal Year 2014-15 Operating Budget and Capital Program of the City of Lubbock; approving inclusion of equipment and property to be purchased as a part of the master lease program; authorizing the Mayor to appropriate certain funding during a duly declared state of disaster; approving all permit, license, fees, and charges for service recommended to be adjusted; approving the pay plan and positions; amending Subsection 22.04.041(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising wastewater rates contained therein and providing an effective date for such; amending Subsection 22.06.051(b) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising Solid Waste landfill rates as contained therein; amending Subsection 22.03.084 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock by revising water rates as contained therein and providing an effective date for such; accepting the budgets for Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Market Lubbock, Inc., Civic Lubbock, Inc., and Vintage Township Public Facilities Corporation; finding that proper notice of meeting provided by law and ratifying such; providing for publication; and providing for a savings clause.
Resolution - City Manager: Consider a resolution amending rules and procedures for the citizen comment period at regular City Council meetings.
Resolution - Lubbock Power & Light: Discuss and take action regarding modifications to the Lubbock Power & Light (LP&L) Electric Rate/Tariff Schedule and consider an order and resolution amending the current rate/tariff schedule of LP&L, the City of Lubbock's municipally owned electric utility, applicable to all rate classes, effective October 1, 2014.
Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution amending the allocation of the Hotel Occupancy Tax Revenues for FY 2014-15 and distributing receipts, net collection expenses, as authorized in Subsection 18.03.001(b)(2) of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Lubbock.
Open Citizen Comment
Resolution - Finance: Consider a resolution ratifying the adoption of the FY 2014-15 budget that raises more tax revenue than was generated in the previous year.
Ordinance 2nd Reading - Finance: Consider Ordinance 2014-O0123 setting the tax rate and levying a tax upon all property subject to taxation with the City of Lubbock for 2014; apportioning said levy among the various funds and items for which revenue must be raised; fixing the times in which said taxes shall be paid and assessing penalty and interest for nonpayment of such taxes within the time provided.