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8:30 a.m. - The City Council Convenes in City Council Chambers in Open Session. This is a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission, and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission may participate in the discussion. Regular Agenda
1. Call to Order - Welcome and Introductions
1. Introductory remarks and Presentation by City of Lubbock Planning Staff on the proposed Unified Development Code and revised Zoning Map
2. Introductory remarks and Presentation by Kendig Keast Collaborative on the proposed Unified Development Code and revised Zoning Map
2. Hold a Joint City Council Meeting and Public Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss the repeal of Chapters 30, 32, 38, and 40 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances, save and except Sections 40.02.070 through 40.02.084, Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport Hazard Area Zoning Regulations, and Sections 30.02.001 through 30.02.004, Lake Alan Henry, and the repeal of the Design Standards for the Central Business Districts, as adopted by Ordinance 10173, the Design and Development Regulations South Overton National Residential Historic District as adopted by Ordinance No. 2011-O0072 and amended by Ordinance No. 2012-O0047, and a Unified Development Code as part of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances. In addition, discuss the amendment of Sections 8.04.064 (c)(1), 8.04.064 (d)(1), 8.19.003, and 8.19.006(9) to be consistent with the Unified Development Code, and the repeal of any provisions of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances in direct conflict with any provision of the Unified Development Code. In addition, discuss the repeal of the City of Lubbock Zoning Map, as adopted on 07-19-1975, by Ordinance 7084 and as may be amended, and consider a Zoning Map utilizing the new Zoning Districts in the Unified Development Code.
3. Consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, including taking action, to make a final report and recommendation, to the Lubbock City Council regarding an Ordinance adopting a Unified Development Code and adopting a new zoning map for the City of Lubbock.
Mar 22, 2023 Special City Council Meeting
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Full agenda
8:30 a.m. - The City Council Convenes in City Council Chambers in Open Session. This is a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission, and members of the Planning and Zoning Commission may participate in the discussion. Regular Agenda
1. Call to Order - Welcome and Introductions
1. Introductory remarks and Presentation by City of Lubbock Planning Staff on the proposed Unified Development Code and revised Zoning Map
2. Introductory remarks and Presentation by Kendig Keast Collaborative on the proposed Unified Development Code and revised Zoning Map
2. Hold a Joint City Council Meeting and Public Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss the repeal of Chapters 30, 32, 38, and 40 of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances, save and except Sections 40.02.070 through 40.02.084, Lubbock Preston Smith International Airport Hazard Area Zoning Regulations, and Sections 30.02.001 through 30.02.004, Lake Alan Henry, and the repeal of the Design Standards for the Central Business Districts, as adopted by Ordinance 10173, the Design and Development Regulations South Overton National Residential Historic District as adopted by Ordinance No. 2011-O0072 and amended by Ordinance No. 2012-O0047, and a Unified Development Code as part of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances. In addition, discuss the amendment of Sections 8.04.064 (c)(1), 8.04.064 (d)(1), 8.19.003, and 8.19.006(9) to be consistent with the Unified Development Code, and the repeal of any provisions of the City of Lubbock Code of Ordinances in direct conflict with any provision of the Unified Development Code. In addition, discuss the repeal of the City of Lubbock Zoning Map, as adopted on 07-19-1975, by Ordinance 7084 and as may be amended, and consider a Zoning Map utilizing the new Zoning Districts in the Unified Development Code.
3. Consideration by the Planning and Zoning Commission, including taking action, to make a final report and recommendation, to the Lubbock City Council regarding an Ordinance adopting a Unified Development Code and adopting a new zoning map for the City of Lubbock.
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