Video index
1. Call to Order - Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Consent Agenda
4.1 Rule 15 Plats – plat applications accompanied by requests to delay improvements and/or close easements or streets. [Planning & Zoning Commission has final authority for approval.]
5.1 Zone Case 804-D: Delta Land Surveying for John & Colton English Family Trust, request for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Local Retail District (C2), at: • 2904 and 2902 Clemson Drive, located north of Clemson Street, and east of Clemson Drive, Valley View Addition, Lots 18 and 19.
5.2 Zone Case 2016-D: Parkhill for Thomas Kenneth Abraham, request a zone change from Family Apartment District (A-1) to High-Rise Apartment District (A-3) with a Planned Development, at: • 2401 through 2413 14th Street and 2402 through 2416 15th Street, located south of 14th Street and east of University Avenue, Overton Addition, Block 102, Lots 1 through 7 and 17 through 24 and the portion of alley between Lots 1 through 7 and 18 through 24 (to be closed).
5.3 Zone Case 3486: Core States Group for Prater Ramona and Estate of Charles Prater, request for a zone change from Transition District (T) to Commercial District (C-4) at: • 11213 University Avenue, located north of 114th Street and east of University Avenue, on 2.852 acres of unplatted land out of Block E, Section 10.
5.5 Zone Case 3257-P: Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc. for 1585 Development, LLC and Rocket Partners I, LLC, request for a zone change from Single-Family District R-1) Specific Use for Reduced Setbacks to Single-Family District (R-1) Specific Use for Townhouse/Garden Home at: • Generally located west of Elgin Avenue and south of 137th on 3 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 1.
7.1 Request of 30X30 Poka Lambro Partners, LLC to waive the screening fence requirement on property zoned Local Retail District (C-2) at: • 7006 University Avenue, located west of University Avenue and north of South Loop 289, Poka Lambro Addition, Tracts 1 and 2.
Jul 27, 2023 Planning and Zoning Meeting
Full agenda
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Video Index
Full agenda
1. Call to Order - Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval of Minutes
3. Consent Agenda
4.1 Rule 15 Plats – plat applications accompanied by requests to delay improvements and/or close easements or streets. [Planning & Zoning Commission has final authority for approval.]
5.1 Zone Case 804-D: Delta Land Surveying for John & Colton English Family Trust, request for a zone change from Single-Family District (R-1) to Local Retail District (C2), at: • 2904 and 2902 Clemson Drive, located north of Clemson Street, and east of Clemson Drive, Valley View Addition, Lots 18 and 19.
5.2 Zone Case 2016-D: Parkhill for Thomas Kenneth Abraham, request a zone change from Family Apartment District (A-1) to High-Rise Apartment District (A-3) with a Planned Development, at: • 2401 through 2413 14th Street and 2402 through 2416 15th Street, located south of 14th Street and east of University Avenue, Overton Addition, Block 102, Lots 1 through 7 and 17 through 24 and the portion of alley between Lots 1 through 7 and 18 through 24 (to be closed).
5.3 Zone Case 3486: Core States Group for Prater Ramona and Estate of Charles Prater, request for a zone change from Transition District (T) to Commercial District (C-4) at: • 11213 University Avenue, located north of 114th Street and east of University Avenue, on 2.852 acres of unplatted land out of Block E, Section 10.
5.5 Zone Case 3257-P: Hugo Reed and Associates, Inc. for 1585 Development, LLC and Rocket Partners I, LLC, request for a zone change from Single-Family District R-1) Specific Use for Reduced Setbacks to Single-Family District (R-1) Specific Use for Townhouse/Garden Home at: • Generally located west of Elgin Avenue and south of 137th on 3 acres of unplatted land out of Block AK, Section 1.
7.1 Request of 30X30 Poka Lambro Partners, LLC to waive the screening fence requirement on property zoned Local Retail District (C-2) at: • 7006 University Avenue, located west of University Avenue and north of South Loop 289, Poka Lambro Addition, Tracts 1 and 2.
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